El Museo Antropológico Martin Gusinde fue reinaugurado el año 2008, incluyendo la renovación completa de su exhibición permanente. En este contexto, surge la presente edición del libro "Yaghan´s, Explorers and Settlers: 10.000 years of Southern Tierra del Fuego Archipelago History" (Yaganes, Exploradores y Colonizadores: 10.000 años de historia del Archipiélago al sur de Tierra del Fuego).
A través de su lectura, quiénes nos visitan, pueden acceder a una completa traducción al inglés del guión museográfico, siguiendo las especificaciones por sala y zonas temáticas dentro de éstas.
The creation of a museum on Navarino Island was an ambitious project that grew out of a deep interest in and concern for the island's natural and cultural heritage.The initiative was originally proposed by the Chilean Navy, the same institution that built the Martin Gusinde Anthropological Museum (MAMG), which opened its doors in Puerto Williams in 1975.
In the 1960s, before the museum was founded, a collection was begun of archeological material from the island's coastal areas, along with some objects of historical interest from the first occupation by pioneers.This collection was exhibited in the now defunct Mixed School No3 in Puerto Williams. The collection was moved when the Martin Gusinde Museum was established, becoming part of that institution permanent collection.